Maudits Sonnants

Celestial Chimes

Big format | Fixed aerial night show | Unlimited audience size | Lasts. 50 mn | Team. of 17
Play Video about Maudits sonnants – Cie Transe Express – photo D.R.

A celestial chime whose form evolves and opens up like a gigantic flower, incorporating an orchestra of bell players and suspended acrobats moving in time together.
This musical chandelier reminds you of a childhood music box as well as creating the dizziness of a funfair ride.
The bell players, each in their own universe, ring out a melodius passing of time. Then they come together and slowly rise to join the sky and eternity.
The bells can be heard throughout the city without any amplification required.

A magical event

→ if we perform close to a church we could prepare a musical performance including the church bells.